Colombia Fintech

We're the driving force that propels Colombia into the future.

  • Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Design
  • Brand Universe
  • Brand Assets


Need for Disruption

Colombia’s financial future lies in the hands of visionaries ready to adapt, innovate, and drive change. Colombia Fintech, the association that unites all the country’s Fintechs, recognized the need to evolve to continue being the beacon of this revolution. The challenge was clear: to design a brand that not only represented modernity and the new vision of the sector but also endured over time with a timeless and powerful proposition


Breaking Fintech’s Repetitive Codes

The Fintech world is a sphere in constant flux, saturated with visual codes that often become repetitive and ephemeral. The task was to break this mold, creating a timeless brand that could withstand the test of time and fleeting trends


Organizing the New House

Our goal was to design an identity that reflected both the inherent innovation of the Fintech sector and the solidity and trust that characterize the financial industry.


Colombia Fintech is not just an entity, but a conglomerate of sub-brands, products, and initiatives.

Woman Colombia Fintech

Fintech Talks

Presentación del Nuevo Colombia Fintech

Evolucionamos por el futuro tecnológico de colombia

“Since my arrival at Colombia Fintech, I understood that one of my most urgent challenges was to transform the guild to capitalize on that rough diamond I had received”

Gabriel Santos, Executive President of Colombia Fintech.